Como dizer "Papai Noel" em espanhol

  Verificado por especialistas

- Papá Noel
- Santa Claus
- San Nicolás

What is 'Santa Claus' in Spanish?

- He is called Papá Noel in South American countries, but many Spanish speakers say Santa Claus as well. Papá Noel or San Nicolás may be Spanish equivalents of Santa Claus. The phrase Papá Noel means 'Father Nativity'. San Nicolás means 'Saint Nicholas'. They respectively are pronounced 'pah-PAH noh-EHL' and 'sah-nee-koh-LAS'. []

Exemplo de uso:

''Completa un test para saber si has sido un niño bueno, envía tu carta a Papa Noel.'' []

Bons estudos!